Jonathan Grado

Photographer, Creative Director

Austin, TX

9:33:14 am

Overthinking at 3am.

Film Set 02

Film Set 02

Film Set 02

Here are around a quarter of photos from the second film set. Most I scanned & converted myself which is something I’d recommended if you don’t want to leave your house for a few days. Glad I experienced it but probably not doing it again. An experiment with expired film, all of these photos were shot on expired Portra 400, expired Superia 400, or expired HP5 with either a Canon AE-1 or a Rolleiflex. Shots are in no particular order (okay looking at them they might be in alphabetical order).

Camera / Film

Canon AE-1; Rolleiflex 3.5 / expired Portra 400; expired Portra 400 120; expired Superia 400; expired HP5

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